Travel motionless

Make the inaccessible

Preserve the intangible
(knowledge, know-how…)

Reduce our environmental

Travel motionless

Make the inaccessible

Preserve the intangible
(knowledge, know-how…)

Reduce our environmental
By cloning the reality®
Going beyond virtual reality, we propose immersive projection systems where real and digital worlds make one. To do so, IMMERTECH® offers custom-made and patented products allowing a perfect immersive 360° projection and sound setup.
To respond to ecological and social challenges
We aim at IMMERTECH® to provide reliable and economically viable alternatives to the existing transportation means. Our integrated solutions reduce physical travel having a massive impact on the planet ecosystems, as well as offering to anybody the gift to travel everywhere.
An immersive experience to awaken your senses
A unique capsule for a sensory experience, out-of time, out of space and out of anyone’s daily life. Feed your wanderlust and instantly teleport yourself from the infinitely small to the infinitely big thanks to a 360° image and sound capsule.
Being awarded as 2018 TOP 50 France best innovation (I-LAB 2018), VOYAGER BY IMMERTECH® is a new media-object and opens infinite possibilities to interactively explore our surroundings. Using custom-made 360° contents, the capsule can transform itself from a unique and immersive marketing device to a non-science-fiction teleportation or time travel tool.

Custom made projection display systems
OVERVIEW offers custom-made immersive projection systems to bring a well-suited answer to a specific need. From Heavy and high-precision environments to lightweight and portable immersive learning devices, OVERVIEW embeds all our technology to build unique high quality devices.
CNN Talks about us…
Stephane Brard has been interviewed by CNN and describes the Voyager’s Journey! To watch the whole interview, click here
28th November 2021
French channel TF1 interviewed our CEO !
VoyagerByImmertech(r) is headlined on the biggest french information channel. Find the whole interview by clicking here
9th October 2021
Interviewed By LE FIGARO
Famous national newspaper LE FIGARO writes about VoyagerByImmertech(r) and our ambition in the UAE. You can find the whole article by clicking here
Credits : Marc Landré
2nd October 2021
They talk about us…
VOYAGER BY IMMERTECH experience at the France Pavilion presented by Arab Space News
« Space enthusiasts and other visitors of the France Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai will get to experience an immersive capsule that will present exciting space exploration and other themed content via cutting-edge 360° virtual reality technology. »
📷 Altraum, R26B
5th June 2021

IMMERTECH officially became a partner of the French Pavilion!
Immertech® officially became a partner of the French Pavilion at EXPO2020 in Dubaï. Voyager By Immertech® n°001 will be showcased during the whole exposition! Feel free to visit us on the pavilion between 1st October 2021 and 31st March 2022 to live a sensational experience !
6th April 2021

IMMERTECH and Prisma Media collaborates.
Prisma Media has selected IMMERTECH to integrate the Wonder Open Lab and its mentorship program. Prisma Media’s marketing and business’s expertise will be a key in the future and will accelerate IMMERTECH growth.
25th March 2020

IMMERTECH® wins the ILAB 2018 contest !
We are pleased to announce IMMERTECH® has been named as 2018 TOP50 FRANCE’s best innovation. Stay tuned !
30th June 2018
IMMERTECH, founded by Stéphane Brard, develops and markets immersive projection systems linked to the Cloned Reality® Concept Stéphane Brard imagined this project out of a distressing personal experience. His ambition is to bring to the voyagers another perspective of our surrounding world by creating unforgettable experiences.